CREATE TABLE tv_sup_sl_dw_query (
id varchar(200) NOT NULL,
sup_record_id varchar(100) default NULL,
create_org_id varchar(100) default NULL,
create_org_name varchar(100) default NULL,
create_time timestamp(6),
party_id varchar(100) default NULL,
party_name varchar(100) default NULL,
party_sup_from varchar(100) default NULL,
party_sup_from_key varchar(100) default NULL,
party_sup_other_json jsonb
@TableDefine(name = "tv_sup_sl_dw_query", abstractCol = "_abstract_col")
public class TV_SUP_DW_QUERY_DS {
protected String id;
protected String sup_record_id;
protected Date create_time;
protected String create_org_id;
protected String create_org_name;
@ColumnDefine(length = 100)
protected String sp_type;
protected String party_id;
protected String party_name;
protected String party_org_type;
protected String party_sup_from;
protected String party_sup_from_key;
protected String party_sup_other_json;
//TODO 省略构造方法,get/set方法
//这个PartySupRecordOtherJsonDTO 就是party_sup_other_json存储的内容,将PartySupRecordOtherJsonDTO 对象转成json字符串赋值给party_sup_other_json即可
public class PartySupRecordOtherJsonDTO {
private String process_type;
private String q_process_type;
private String content_abstract;
private String comment;
private String handle_opinion;
private String disput_content;
private String work_plan;
private int need_blqkbg;
private int l_uploadsj;
private String childPartyIds;
private String childPartyNames;
private String hasMoreChildParties;
private String childPartyBlqkbg;
private List<Map<String,Object>> persons;
select id from tv_sup_sl_dw_query dw where dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'childPartyBlqkbg'!='1'
一下这些sql 都是在Java代码中写的
--jsonb_array_elements 这个函数就是将persons集合转成一个对象数组
select id from tv_sup_sl_dw_query dw where dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'persons' is not null and dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'persons' != '[]' and exists (select 1 from jsonb_array_elements ( dw.party_sup_other_json -> 'persons') ps where 1=1 and ps ->> 'sex' = '1' and ps ->> 'name' like '%立%')
--这里的jsonb_array_elements 也可以换成 jsonb_to_recordset函数
select id from tv_sup_sl_dw_query dw where dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'persons' is not null and dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'persons' != '[]' and exists (select 1 from jsonb_to_recordset( dw.party_sup_other_json -> 'persons') ps(sex text,name text) where 1=1 and ps ->> 'sex' = '1' and ps ->> 'name' like '%立%')
-- ps(sex text,name text) 这里必须要写,条件中使用到了那个字段,这里就必须要定义,可以定义多个,但不能少,比如ps(sex text,name text,phone text) 这样的。如果少定义了则会报错。这里的字段就是数据库表中的字段,text 代表字符串,integer 代表int
select id from tv_sup_sl_dw_query dw where dw.date_part('day',tv.create_time\:\:timestamp - :nowDate \:\:timestamp) >= 2
-- date_part这个函数是获取两个时间之间的天数
select id,dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'comment',dw.party_sup_other_json ->> 'content_abstract' from tv_sup_sl_dw_query where dw.create_time >= '2024-01-01 00:00:00'